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Library Fees & Charges

Note: Companions of holders of a companion card will receive free admission to Council's Library facilities & events when assisting a person with a disability.

Description Total Fee GST
Library Fines
First & Second Notice $4.10 N
Third Notice $5.70 N
Lost or damaged item processing fee $8.00 N
Replacement cost for lost or damaged item At Cost N
Replacement of lost membership card $5.20 N
Inter library loan – processing fee $2.40 Y
Inter library loan – Charges levied upon Camden Library Services Full Cost Recovery Y
Library Photocopier and PC Printing
Black and white A4 (per print) $0.20 Y
Black and white A3 (per print) $0.40 Y
Colour A4 (per print) $0.50 Y
Colour A3 (per print) $1.00 Y
Local Studies Research for Commercial organisation per hour $62.00 Y
Library carry bags $4.70 Y
USB Thumb Drives $14.00 Y
Local Studies Photographic images copy fee
300 DPI JPEG file $27.00 Y
800 DPI JPEG file $48.00 Y
Copying fee 300 DPI JPEG File $30.00 Y
Copying fee 800 DPI JPEG File $51.50 Y
Postage and packaging within Australia $9.60 Y
Library Programs
3D Club Printing Setup Fee $10.00 Y
3D Printing per hour/part thereof $5.70 Y
Visiting Writers Event Book Sale Commission At 10% Y
Library – Adult Programs At cost Y
Library – Youth Programs At cost Y
Library – Children's Programs At cost Y

Narellan Library Meeting Rooms and Community Space

Description Total Fee GST
Design and Create Space
Design & Create Space available for approved Library Learning programs at no fee as library provides tutors/supervision.
Community per day (includes use of equipment) $84.00 Y
Commercial per day (includes use of equipment) $171.00 Y
Community per hour (includes use of equipment) $15.20 Y
Commercial per hour (includes use of equipment) $30.00 Y
Technical/Facilitator Assistance per hour $74.00 Y
Bond required for use of equipment $55.50 N
The Space (main area) – inline with library operating hours
Main Space available for approved Library Learning programs at no fee as library provides tutors/supervision.
Community – Hourly rate (laptops available for use) $24.00 Y
Commercial – Hourly Rate (laptops available for use) $45.50 Y
Technical/Facilitator Assistance per hour $74.00 Y
Bond required for use of equipment $225.00 N
Record & Mix Space
Record & Mix Space available for approved Library Learning programs at no fee as library provides tutors/supervision.
Digital Recording Studio – Free use of space by emerging artist as part of council's cultural development project up to 20 hours per year.
Community per day (includes use of equipment) $84.00 Y
Commercial per day (includes use of equipment) $171.00 Y
Community per hour (includes use of equipment) $14.60 Y
Commercial per hour (includes use of equipment) $30.00 Y
Technical/Facilitator Assistance per hour $74.00 Y
Bond required for use of equipment $225.00 N