Camden Libraries and the State Library of NSW have provided a range of research databases. Click the link and log in using your Library ID and PIN.
Contact Us if you need more information about your Library ID.
Use our encyclopaedias, log in using your Library ID and PIN.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Use your library card to access one of the world's best Encyclopaedias. Information available at adult, high school and primary levels. Includes links to other online sources and journals.
World Book Online
Need information? Check out World Book Online for access to Research Tools, Project Help, Featured Biographies and much more! Also check out World Book Online for kids - great for assignment and project help.
Database access available using your Library ID, inside or external to the libraries.
Remember to register your public library card to the state library first.
As part of the celebrations for 75 Years of the NSW Library Act, the State Library of NSW has made all of its E-Resources available to NSW Public Library members. Register your Camden Libraries card ID number (eg CXXXXXXD) with the State Library, and you will have access to a range of their E-Resources, including local and international newspapers, full-text journals, magazines, online databases, E-Books and E-Audiobooks.
ProQuest Research Library provides access to thousands of full-text periodicals. Search scholarly journals, professional and trade publications and magazines. Remember to register your public library card to the state library first.
This complete database of Australasian content searches across all Informit subject databases. It covers the following major subject areas: Agriculture, Arts, Asian, Business, Education, Engineering, Health, History, Indigenous, Law, Literature, Media, Reference, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology. Remember to register your public library card to the state library first.
Gale offers a variety of resources for education, lifelong learning, and academic research. Whether you are looking for peer-reviewed articles; full-text magazines, newspapers, and eBooks; primary source documents; and videos or podcasts, Gale puts the right vetted content and tools at your fingertips!
National Geographic
Browse this cross-searchable platform for research insight from journalism's most trusted name in exploration and discovery.
National Geographic Kids
Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Best for children aged 6–14.
Ancient and Medieval History Online
Focuses on Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Islamic Empire from prehistory through to the 1500s.
Modern World History Online
Modern World History Online offers a comprehensive look at world history from the mid-15th century to the present. Thousands of subject entries, biographies, images, videos and slideshows, maps and graphs, primary sources, and timelines combine to provide a detailed and comparative view of the people, places, events, and ideas that have defined modern world history.
Loeb Classical Library
A virtual library of all Greek and Latin literature covering over 550 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts. Topics include: epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians.
Family History & Genealogy
Explore to your family History and Genealogy. These sites are only available for use inside the library. - link for inside libraries only is a genealogical website giving access to a worldwide database. Start searching billions of records and discover your family's story. Available for use inside the Library only.
Find My Past
A family history and genealogy website with millions of records covering Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, the U.K. and the U.S.
Contains Genealogical, Migration, Census, and Military Records as well as Irish, British and U.S. historic newspapers as sources of information.
Available for use inside the Library only
Motor Manuals
Log in using your Library Card ID and PIN. Contact Us if you need more information about your Library ID.
Haynes Manuals AllAccess
Haynes Manuals AllAccess is a library of manuals covering a vast range of car and motorcycle makes and models. Access the manuals in the library or from home using your library card number.